Crags and modern multi-pitch routes
Giuseppe Picone e Monica Delicati


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Crags and modern multi-pitch routes

UMBRIA Rock is only published in Italian

Umbria Rock is the first guidebook including all of the crags in Umbria and in close proximity. Anyone who is keen on climbing in this region will find several possibilities, among novelties and completely updated ones. The authors have checked and walked all of the approach paths and the same attention has been paid for drawings, based on exclusive photographs. Winter is the best time to come for most of the crags, even though it is still possible to climb here in all seasons. In conclusion, Umbria Rock is a comprehensive guidebook, the result of the authors’ fieldwork and the help of a bunch of friends, with the aim of providing a tool for the diffusion of sport climbing in this region.

Umbria has long been known only for being Italy’s “green heart”. This will change from today, thanks to the work of the authors, who are personally involved in the bolting activity of many of the crags described in this guidebook, giving the chance to explore different climbing styles. You go from Ferentillo’s overhanging walls to the slabs, which represent the prevailing style, all enclosed within a relatively small area.

Umbria Rock aims at being a useful climbing guidebook for either visitors coming only for one weekend and people living here all year round. Climbing in Umbria is very enjoyable, as crags are often immersed in environments that are a combination of historical destinations, food and wine itineraries and isolated valleys.

When you get to the top of a route, before having yourself lowered down, take a look at the view: you are in Umbria, after all!

Giuseppe “Pepito” Picone was born in Rome in 1970, but has been living in Umbria for twenty years. He started climbing at 36, but he managed to free climbed many routes in just a few years, including some hard climbs too. In addition, he bolted and re-bolted several crags. His activity is not only limited to sport climbing, he repeated many classic routes in the Dolomites. He works at a climbing gym, where he carries out an intense teaching activity.

Monica Delicati was born in 1987, she studied Sports Sciences and teaches swimming. She’s also a high school support teacher. Since she was young, she has always practiced several sports, even at competitive level. She discovered climbing when she met Pepito, becoming his life and climbing partner, both at the crag and in the mountains.

Year: 2023
ISBN: 978 88 55470 643
Pages: 352
Dimensions: 1,80 × 15,00 × 21,00 cm
Weight: 480g
Code: LV 164

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