ARCO Walls

Classic and modern routes in the Sarca Valley
Diego Filippi


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ARCO Walls

Classic and modern routes in the Sarca Valley

Vol.1: Arco, Torbole, Val di Ledro, Tenno, Padaro, Dro

This fourth edition of the only complete guide of multi-pitch routes around Arco is the result of the deep passion of one of the leading characters of rock climbing in Valle del Sarca.

The main development is the remarkable expansion of the area described, which today ranges from the shores
of Lake Garda all the way to the Valle dei Laghi: 23 new sectors for a total of 260 unpublished routes, which added to the 520 routes already present in the last edition makes a total of 780, spread around approximately 33 sectors.

As a result of such an abundance of lines, we have decided to divide the guide into two volumes, presenting in this first volume, the part which today has more new routes: the area which includes the lower part of Valle del Sarca, the rock faces which persist across the plain of Arco and Lake Garda.

Among the many surprises of this volume you will find the new routes on the Coste di Loppio near San Giovanni pass, in val di Ledro and the not so popular valley of Volta di Nò, where new interesting routes are still being opened.

In the second volume we will deal with the rock faces which loom over the Valley near Sarche and Pietramurata and which continue towards Valle dei Laghi, where the new routes are still very much in evolution: the possibility to set up routes on the rock faces of Fraveggio, as on the rock faces in the Limarò canyon are anything but finished.

As in the three previous editions, the guide is supplied with precise drawings by the author, completely updated for the occasion, as well as accurate historical and logistical notes and a complete evaluation on the beauty and difficulty of the route. Finally, he narrates, with short essays, his emotions and the adventures experienced on the rock faces of the Sarca Valley.

Diego Filippi born in Trento in 1967, is a mountaineer, academic member of the Italian Alpine Club and Mountain Guide. He has a great in depth knowledge of the Sarca Valley and is deeply in love with its rock faces, he has wanted to bear witness to this great passion with an accurate and precise work, outcome of years of research and constant updates. This fourth edition represents the sum of his experience as an expert mountaineer and prolific route opener, which combines the great classical tradition with the new and more current forms of climbing.

Year: 2020
ISBN: 97 8885547 0124
Pages: 498
Weight: 610g
Code: LV 126/3