Multi-pitch routes and selected crags.
Matteo Della Bordella


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When we started working on a new edition of the previous guidebook, compiled by Aristide Quaglia and Fulvia Mangili, we immediately thought that the most obvious choice for the Author’s slot was Matteo Della Bordella.
The first edition, published in 2004, and out of stock for a long time, presented a selection of routes varying in difficulty from the extreme to the plaisir, all over Switzerland, and several crags which could be a climbing destination on their own.
The Author has a wide knowledge of the area, having repeated virtually all the most interesting routes; thanks to his ties with the local climbing community, he gathered updated information and news, including several novelties.
The Wenden and Rätikon walls, which are amongst the favourite “playground” of the Author, feature several new interesting routes, thus making this guidebook a state-of-the-art reference.
The work is enriched with historical and biographical profiles, besides the clear sketches, pics and descriptions of hundreds of routes.

Year: 2012
ISBN: 978-88-96634-46-2
Pages: 504
Weight: 940g
Code: LV64/1