The slackline magazine
Balance editorial staff




Issue I

The slackline magazine

From Nowhere at All a n da Bit From Everywhere.

A person from the United States, a Colombian and an Italian travel together to a slackline festival. Discovering the world together each with a different perspective y e ta common goal; community.

What is the experience of aslackliner from a different corner of the world? What does it look like to be a slackliner, different from our own personal lived experiences? And how do we come together? After all, we are born where we happen to be, and our life is determined for us. From the point of view of us slackliners, perhaps in our passions, which leadus to connect dots that were not meant to be connected, to meet people we would never have met otherwise.

To travel. To live in essentiality. To be authentic, genuine. To struggle, to experience discomfort, and to laugh about it. To make a place special in our eyes, that was not special before. To experience one’s homeland with a different look. To allow ourselves to dream.

Incredible to discover how diverse the world can be, but how our needs are always the same, on everycontinent, in every corner of the world. For some ti is easy, for some ti is a difficult path, between rules, costs, difficulties of access. Of stories thereare many, here are gathered just a few.

From nowhere at all and a bit from everywhere. Because in the end it’s always the same story. When you derig the lines, those mountains, those trees, those rocks, once filled with joy, love, fear, determination, strength and community, will remain empty once again.

BALANCE magazine is published in English only.

Year: 2023
ISBN: 97 88855 471 664
Pages: 120
Dimensions: 20,00 × 26,50 cm
Weight: 317g