Classic and modern multipitches in Grigna, Medale, Orobie, Valsassina, Resegone.
Pietro Buzzoni, Eugenio Pesci


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The area around Lake Como has a wealth of rock walls, and it’s been, for more than a century, the main focus of climbers from Lombardy. It features in fact many huge walls, whose height reaches more than 600 mt. Many of the routes contributed to the fame of this area, especially the Grigne massifs, which are well-known even outside Italy. The routes vary from the “historical” ones in the Thirties to the modern multipitches, therefore allowing the climber to choose from a wide multiplicity.
This guidebook is a thorough review of the present situation, taking into account an area stretching from the Grigne to Resegone, from Monte San Martino to Valsassina, reaching the Orobie and including the minor reliefs. The authors, besides a detailed technical analysis, have included a series of historical profiles, allowing to discover the key players and the deeds leading to the establishment of the most famous routes, with a rich iconographical dowry featuring unpublished photos.
Each topo comes as well with high-quality pictures highlighting the route as it unwinds on the walls.

Year: 2012
ISBN: 978-88-96634-20-2
Pages: 416
Weight: 810g
Code: LV59